It's been a really bad snow season for Tahoe this year. Unlike last year, warm temperatures and lack of snowfall this year has kept accumulation to a minimum; on the bright side, it has also kept the crowd to a minimum :)
Today is probably my last snowboarding trip for this season. It's a pity though - I feel like I'm on the verge improving my snowboarding by leaps and bounds (that's what I tell myself everytime, anyway). My friend had acquired free lift tickets for the Diamond Peak ski resort this time, so we all decided to go there.
To tell the truth, after a whole week of working late hours, the thought of just lazing around the apartment and not doing anything was quite tempting. However it was too late to back out of this trip, so I finally decided to go. I was quite pleasantly surprised - nice warm sunshine, minimal crowd and absolutely no traffic awaited us. The snow felt a bit slushy, but was still better than the ice-like snow we had been boarding on for the last few times I was there.

As you can see in the picture above, certain trails at Diamond Peak offer a quite scenic view of Lake Tahoe. You can also see from this picture that spring is practically here already - the trails were quite narrow, and the greenery around the trails were very, very obvious. Diamond Peak is not that well known amongst the Tahoe ski resorts - the main ski resorts around Lake Tahoe include Squaw Valley, where one of the winter olympics was held, and Heavenly, located on the Nevada side of the Tahoe area. However, going to a less popular one usually has its perks - less people, less time wasted waiting for lifts, and overall less hassle in getting around. I still remember a snowboarding trip last year during President's Day weekend (or was it Columbus Day? hmmm) where we had to spend 3 hours just driving 10 miles from the motel to the ski resort. Not something I would want to experience again.
Anyway, with this trip, I bid farewell to Lake Tahoe until November this year. Hopefully next year we'll get more snow ^^
Ooh that reminds me of my skiing trip in Colorado, such fun! So you prefer snowboarding?
Yeah, I tried snowboarding once and never went back to skiing - the first few times were pretty bad but after a that I realized that it was easier than skiing ^^
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