A pretty interesting drink, available in some places close to the border (like Austin and San Diego). Kind of like tequila and orange juice :)
I was in San Diego earlier this week, where I stayed in the downtown area next to the Gaslamp Quarter. It was quite an interesting place - a little like Sixth Street in Austin, but with better weather :)

Overall San Diego is a pretty nice place - close to the Pacific, which makes the weather cool, close to the border (I've never been to Mexico before, though), and a nice, laidback feeling. I can't believe I've only been here once before this. Maybe next time I go to San Diego I'll check out Lahoya Beach, which is supposedly one of the main attractions of San Diego. This time round I didn't really have time for that though. I did get my caricature drawn by a very talented gentleman hired by one of the exhibitors at the conference, though :) Check out his website at www.dougshannon.com

Now all I have to do is find a place that makes a decent Mexican Martini here in the bay area ;)